Monday, December 8, 2008

Free online radio

If we judge technically, online radio should not be called radio because it is not broadcast with the help of airwaves as the case with conventional radio. Online radio rather broadcasts over the web, by transmitting digital signals over telephone or cable lines. In fact, the advent of free online radio has revolutionized the concept of broadcasting over the last few years.
If you have some message to convey and some money to spend, you can broadcast it to the world through free online radio. Or, if you are bored of listening to your local radio station, just tune in to a free online radio station to hear what you want. If you are interested in listening to online radio, you should have a computer with speakers and audio software. The computer must have Internet connection with a minimum speed of 56K.
There are some instances in which the web casting is done from traditional radio stations whose signals are converted to digital format and then transmitted to listeners throughout the world. By web casting we mean transmitting real-time streaming audio or video to multiple recipients, all of whom receive the same content at the same time. Streaming means playing audio or video real-time as it is downloaded.
If you want to web cast, you must have a microphone, CD player, mixer, computer, audio encoding software and a dedicated Internet connection. Free online radio is not bound by the limitations of conventional radio. Free online radio offers its clientele a wide variety of music genres and artists. You can listen to both famous and yet-to-be-famous artists on free online radio station. It serves you a rich spread of music, and talk shows as well. It is now threatened by strict licensing policies, but the crisis is likely to blow over.

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